Cassie Coles

Cassie Coles

Model + Dancer + Creative Director

Cassie Coles is a South Florida based model. Her passion stems from all forms of art including music, writing, and dance. She feeds off of the energy around her to bring emotion and variety to her shoots. Cassie continues to build her portfolio, while her ideas for her shoots are done individually and collaboratively with graphic artists, photographers, and other models.

Continuing to expand her visions to the physical world, Cassie is using her direction of her own projects to be the blueprint of guiding others in bringing their daydreams to fruition. Rooted in education, holding a Bachelor degree in the field, her skills transfer, outlining the framework of all creative projects.

She has been featured on TV on Miami’s Deco Drive, modeling fashionable trends. She has also been part of Japanese magazines with collaboration with Chenroy.  She has modeled for Miami carnival premiering the newest costumes on runway. 

Working with Cassie is fun and imaginative, which she largely attributes to her devotion in remaining a student while growing her brand.

+1 954-673-0824

Miami, Florida

United States


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