S/S Walk 2019

“Modeling three looks with long strides through Miami Fashion District and struts on the edge of safari terrain “…That was my idea for this fashion forward modeling visual. I was inspired by a love for nature and its surroundings. I styled every outfit to reflect the environment of each location.

The original idea was to show my runway walk in three different looks, but the project grew into something more. It had been awhile since I took on the task of creating something from nothing, as far as visuals go. 

I wanted to use this project as an example of the many disciplines I have in the creative process of a production. From the initial stages of coming up with the concept to final stages of post production, such as working with the Director, deciding the soundtrack and what scenes would be used or cut. This visual project would represent my journey of becoming a Creative that can direct and produce an idea from scratch and break the mold of the title of “just a model”.


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